Friday, February 13, 2009

It's 7:30 on a Friday Night.......

I was just on facebook, chatting with a few folks. Caught up with an old friend a bit. Checking out some new pictures someone posted. Then I noticed that under the "What are you doing right now?" question, a friend had posted..."I am ready for bed at 7:30 on a FridayNight" or something to that effect. Within minutes, three other women, all working moms chimed in with "I hear you" and "I Know, I'm exhausted too." It's amazing that the first woman made one comment and instantly, we had a Quorum. Ya know why? Because we are all freaking pooped. Sleep is now a premium and without the requisite number of hours, we just struggle to function. We struggle, but we do it.
But remember when........
We used to be cool and hip, drinking cosmos with our girlfriends on a Friday night. Now we are lucky if we down a Mich Ultra with our leftover mac and cheese right out of the pan.
What the hell happened? How did we let ourselves get this way? I'll tell ya how. It's those damn kids. They suck the energy right out of you. It's a constant barrage of "Mama, can I have" It's dishes in the sink. It's somebody feed the dog. It's where the heck's my permission slip. All of that is exhausting. Throw on top of that some gainful employment outside the home and lord help me.
But, to be honest, we wouldn't trade it for anything. What we gave up in happy hours at some club, we make up for in happy hours at the school play, or playing super mario Kart on game cube. Still, once in a while, it would be nice if we could stay up past 8 on a Friday night and maybe have a cosmo or two with the girls. I think I need to make that a goal. Whose with me?


Anonymous said...

Ok I am in, I will try my hardest to stay awake on a Friday. Let's challenge ourselves....

I did make it till 10 last night, for non-fun reasons.

k said...

oops that was me

Andy said...

Sounds like Mama needs a night out with the girls.....

Maybe we all do.

Amanda said...

I with you on this one Jill, however I have one more thing that both ties me down and exhausts me, Adrian is still nursing...and since I have been staying home with him, he refuses a bottle. Ahhh, is there ever a break out threre?

Love: A Memoir Day by Day said...

Oh my, have I started something here. But did you notice... after a short nap I was up playing Guitar Hero with the Hubby at about midnight. I still have a bit of spunk in me. I am so up for a girls night!!!